
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Aral Sea

Aral Sea is a lake located in Asia between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It was a one of the four largest lakes in the world but now it is not. Because of climate, Aral Sea became changing and it is already desert. By 2007 it had got smaller for 10 percent .And by 2009 the southern part of Aral Sea had disappeared. The main reasons for this disaster are canals and cities. Qaraqum Canal is the biggest one in central Asia. And what do you think? From where this water appeared in canal? Of course from poor lake. The 50% of water went to waste. And the rest water was taken to water Turkmenistan’s capital` Ashgabat. Sevan lake is locted in Armenia and it had such bad history like Aral. Sevan’s water was getting lower and no one were caring about that. Then our government suddenly noticed that fact  and started to do something. Now Sevan is “living”. About water resources. Every single moment it water is getting lower than it was. So we must not waste it. We must keep it for real need. That’s all thank you for your attention.

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