
Monday, February 17, 2014

Are we too dependent on computers? For me it is a very big problem because I actually can't without it. For example my computer is broken and I can't post my reflections to blog from computer so I am doing it with my phone. It became the piece of my everyday's life. But it is not meaning that it is commendable. Of course everything made by human has in it and good and bad things. How unfortunate that bad side is more than good.We can not communicate to other people in the other place without computer and internet ( today's technology is developing and now we can do it with phone.) And for business it has in it office programs which are making yout work easier. And for entertaiment also. Playing games, runing programs and etc. At the end I would like to say that the most part of human population "can not live" without computer. Thank you for your attention


  1. very interesting topic, very much dependent on it myself and cannot imagine my lifestyle without it, however there was a time in my life that almost no one had computers or internet connection. It was like a luxury. But I have had the best childhood playing outdoor games with my friends and living a more active life, I can recall so many memorable moments from my childhood.... missing those times !!! Thank you for this post :-)

  2. thank you too for your comment :)

  3. I look at this picture and it speaks for itself, great choice!
