
Monday, February 24, 2014

Rap and Hip Hop

Rap music. Rap was born 30 years ago in the poor streets of New York. Rap and hip hop are close to each other but they aren't same. Today rap is a big business. It's about expressing your thoughts, talking about problems etc. At first only nigers where rapping but today everyone can rap if he or she can connect word and also some talent. Lets discuss difference between rap and hip hop
1. Rap. It is a type of music that rapper is talking about any problem, any situation in country. Rap is music which is followed by offencive and violence words which are making rap more expressive.And it is about that moment at which rapper is “reading” rap.

2. Hip Hop. It is very close to rap that you can confuse them. For me it’s the same but hip hop is music for whole things. It is close to pop too. You must find beat than add hooks and verses than write lyrics.

So you choose what you like the most. Thank you for your attention.

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