
Monday, February 24, 2014

Rap and Hip Hop

Rap music. Rap was born 30 years ago in the poor streets of New York. Rap and hip hop are close to each other but they aren't same. Today rap is a big business. It's about expressing your thoughts, talking about problems etc. At first only nigers where rapping but today everyone can rap if he or she can connect word and also some talent. Lets discuss difference between rap and hip hop
1. Rap. It is a type of music that rapper is talking about any problem, any situation in country. Rap is music which is followed by offencive and violence words which are making rap more expressive.And it is about that moment at which rapper is “reading” rap.

2. Hip Hop. It is very close to rap that you can confuse them. For me it’s the same but hip hop is music for whole things. It is close to pop too. You must find beat than add hooks and verses than write lyrics.

So you choose what you like the most. Thank you for your attention.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Forest ecosystem and and for whole ecosystem is chain connecting living and non-living organisms.Living and non-living organisms also called biotic and abiotic. In forest ecosystems there are producers decomposers and predators. In class we where watching an extrainteresting documentary which was introducing forest ecosystems and their structure. I learned a lot of from that documentary. It is telling you information in a way that you must watch it carefully. I learned that there are a lot of rains beacuse of high mountains, that grizzly bears are eating 40 kg of salmon daily, that fly is benefiting from salmon carcase.
And also for me interesting was group work beetwen me and my classmates.Thank you for your attention.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Are we too dependent on computers? For me it is a very big problem because I actually can't without it. For example my computer is broken and I can't post my reflections to blog from computer so I am doing it with my phone. It became the piece of my everyday's life. But it is not meaning that it is commendable. Of course everything made by human has in it and good and bad things. How unfortunate that bad side is more than good.We can not communicate to other people in the other place without computer and internet ( today's technology is developing and now we can do it with phone.) And for business it has in it office programs which are making yout work easier. And for entertaiment also. Playing games, runing programs and etc. At the end I would like to say that the most part of human population "can not live" without computer. Thank you for your attention

Friday, February 14, 2014

Forest Ecosystem

Ecosystem is our surrounding which is combinig living and non-living organisms.The type of this ecosystem is forest ecosystem. It has in ot a lot trees, different animals, insects and etc. Non-living organisms are called biotic. Livings are called biotic. Ecosystem has 3 main points wich we can call organisms. There are producers, decomposers and predators. Herbivores are eating only plants , carnivores only meat and omnivores are eating both.Food chains are combining all organisms connected with each other.
About video. I really enjoyed that video and I learned a lot of from it. For example that trees can reach to 90 metres and in wild there are a lot of heavy rains because of big and long mountains. I really liked grizzly bears which are eating daily 40 kg. Nature has so many secrets to be shown. That's all. Thank you for your attention.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Corruption is the biggest way to solve any problem or to get something for certain money. It is the way to get something easier. Armenia is one of the capitals of corruption. It is in every job and school . And also in universities. But the most part of corruption is belonging to goverment. About friends and relatives. Everyone would like to have friendband relative at his or her job but it doesn't mean to bring all relatives to work. But most armenians do like this way. If I was boss of company, I would make interview to see who knows better my friend or another. If my friend or relative is truly deserving that job I will say no problem Welcome. The ain reasons are that people are not equal of law. They can break law then give money and live like everything is okay.
Anyway corruption is worse than to do anything with right way. Thank you for your attention.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Advertisments and Business

Advertisement and business are connected to each other. Business is growing up by good buisness plan or effective advertisement